Let’s make a small comparison between the Panasonic Micro Four Thirds sensor with the very similar sized Canon Four Thirds sensor. The images taken from the both camera are same in quality in terms of sensor’s quality. As for the Canon G1X is more preferable than the Panasonic G1X in terms of compactness. On the other hand Panasonic is top in term of flexibility.

comparison_between_Canon_G1X_Four Thirds Sensor and_Panasonic GX1 Micro Four Thirds

comparison_between_Canon_G1X_Four Thirds Sensor and_Panasonic GX1 Micro Four Thirds

The advantages of the Canon G1X are:

  1. Have image stabilization capabilities (but likely due to fact lens are fixed)
  2. Possesses a flip-out screen
  3. Screen resolution is higher
  4. Quicktime clips in 1080/24p H.264 format supported
  5. Color depth is greater
  6. Image quality is slightly better
  7. Has an attached viewfinder
  8. A better dynamic range  capability

The advantages of the Panasonic GX1 compact system camera are:

  1. Touch screen facilities
  2. Capable of taking 3D images with a special lens made by Panasonic
  3. Smaller body size so easier to carry around
  4. Lenses are interchangeable with a multitude of micro four thirds lenses available + many other lenses available via a lens adaptor
  5. Better true resolution
  6. Weights less
  7. Focus Faster
  8. Faster shooting
  9. Battery life is slightly higher and lasts longer
  10. Thinner camera
  11. Lower noise in terms of high ISO
  12. Less costly

There are similarities between Canon G1X and Canon’s previous G series cameras in the point of view though the G1X is larger in dimensions. This is 6X the sized sensor in the G11 and most other compact cameras, and is slightly larger than Micro Four Thirds. There are many test have been performed for Canon G1X. From the test it has been found that the Canon Sensor is more or less on par with the Panasonic. In the test resolution was not taken as a variable.

It is wondering that the upcoming Canon interchangeable mirror less system will use the same Four Thirds sized sensor again. The size of the lens Panasonic have chosen is the right one for the mirror less system.

The lens of Canon G1X  is fixed so it is more costly in the long run as it won’t allow you much freedom in terms of lens choices when compared to the Panasonic G1X that gets less costly due to its micro four thirds interchangeable lens system.

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3 Responses to Comparison of the Canon Four Thirds sensor G1X Camera and Panasonic GX1 Micro Four Thirds compact system camera

  1. […] for the sensor most likely will be the four thirds sized already used in their Canon G1X camera. What is quite important to read here is that Canon mentioned that their future compact system […]

  2. […] the release of the Canon G1X may have had played a role here where Canon seems to be signaling market it will go for a Four […]

  3. […] digital camera with fixed lens, high performance sensor you are better of with the Fuji X100 or the Canon G1X in our opinion as price is considerably less and performance similar if not best at times when […]

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